Friday, December 9, 2011

Cedar Oil Flea & Tick Spray

Dr. Ben's Paws & Claws

Dr Bens cedar oil for fleas is fomulated for the safe use as an organic flea control in place of using Toxic spot drop treatments. Our cedar oil spray is also effective for protecting your pets from ticks, mites and other biting insects.
This formulation can also be used to treat other issues such as mange, dermatitus, dry flaky skin and other skin and hair related fungus and diseases.

Formulated exclusively for the Animal Health Industry for control of flying and burrowing insects common to. Approved for use on newborn offspring and there nursing mother. This product will successfully control Ear Mites, Mange Mites, Burrowing Mange Mites and Head and Goat Lice. 24 hour cure for yeast and bacterial infections of the ear canal and ear mites.

If your pet has fleas, chances are your yard and home has them as well. Don’t let your pets suffer…it’s not there fault…Take control of the problem NOW with our in-door out-door flea eradication kit.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cedar Oil Kills Bed Bugs

Cedar Oil is the most powerful Organic Bed Bug control treatment on the market. Scientifically Tested by Rutgers University. Completely Eliminates Bed Bugs! - Controlling Bed Bugs and Nymphs within seconds of Contact. Our Cedar Oil Formula Packs More Killing Power Than any other bio/natural/organic or chemical Bedbug Product on the Market. Scientifically tested and proven.

Natures Defender PCO Choice is a Chemical Free Solution specially created for Pre or Post treatment of insect infestations. It is formulated at the highest Cedar Oil concentration levels possible for use by EXTERMINATORS and PROFESSIONAL PCO's. It can be applied with hose end, trigger, compression and pressure applicators. It is designed for immediate insect control results of inside and outside treatments for Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Governmental, Equine and Dairy entities.

For Bed Bugs, Fleas, Ants, Scorpions, Moths, Mosquitos, Ticks and Snake control inside and outside premises.

Visit our website at: or visit our store at

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cedar Oil Bed Bugs

How to Spot Bed Bugs

Bed bug infestations are on the rise in the United States.
Bed bugs are small insects that feed mainly on human blood. A newly hatched bed bug is semi-transparent, light tan in color, and the size of a poppy seed. Adult bed bugs are flat, have rusty-red-colored oval bodies, and are about the size of an apple seed. Bed bugs can be easily confused with other small household insects, including carpet beetles, spider beetles and newly hatched cockroaches (nymphs).
Cedar Oil Spray for Bed Bugs has a 99% kill ratio.

Also from its markings, droppings and eggs Blood stains, droppings and eggs can be found in several locations including:

  • Mattress seams and tufts, sheets, pillow cases and upholstered furniture.
  • Crevices and cracks in furniture.
  • Baseboards of walls.

From its bite:

Some people do not react to bed bug bites. But for those who do, bite marks may appear within minutes or days, usually where skin is exposed during sleep. They can be small bumps or large itchy welts. The welts usually go away after a few days. Because the bites may resemble mosquito and other insect bites, a bump or welt alone does not mean there are bed bugs.

If you have bed bugs, you shouldn’t feel ashamed. Anyone can get bed bugs. Notify your landlord and neighbors. The sooner everyone responds, the more successful everyone will be.

A Study from Rutgers University:

The direct spray of the Cedar Oil spray caused immediate immobilization of the bed bug nymphs, followed by 100% mortality within 1 minute of the topical application. In addition to being 100% effective on bugs directly treated with the product, it also proved to be effective against eggs that were directly treated.

For more information you can visit our site at or by visiting or store at Cedar Oils Store